domingo, 13 de abril de 2008

Shiraz explosion not sabotage act

A crowd forms at the site of the explosion to help the victims
Sun, 13 Apr 2008 10:05:32 presstv

Fars province police chief has said primary investigations show the explosion at a religious center in Shiraz was not an act of sabotage.

Commander Ali Moayyeri told IRNA that negligence may have been the cause of the explosion, considering that an exhibition of the Sacred Defense (the 1980-88 Iraq-imposed war) achievements had recently been held at the site.

"The explosives left over from the exhibition may have led to the occurrence of the blast," he said.
The official rejected speculations that the incident was an act of subversion.
Meanwhile, Deputy Minister of Interior for Security Affairs Abbas Mohtaj confirmed that the explosion had been an accident, and not an attack.

At least 11 people have reportedly been killed and 191 more injured when an explosion occurred at 'Rahpouyan-e Vesal' cultural and religious center Saturday evening in the southern city of Shiraz, the capital of Iran's Fars province. The explosion occurred in the men's section of the center.

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