French source reveals the "truth" the secret grave talked about the Libyan regime and stressed that he will waste Sarkozy
Gaddafi financed the election campaign of Sarkozy and his party millions of dollars in the same way which was financed by Hariri and Saddam Hussein, the election campaigns of his predecessor, Jacques Chirac, and the intermediaries Vbannaon, Italians, Zionists!?
Paris, the truth (especially of: Ellen / Susan Bourgeois): detection Arab source in the party of the "Union for a Popular Movement," the French, a party that belongs to President Nicolas Sarkozy, the nature of the "secret grave," which threatened the Qaddafi regime to disclose it in retaliation for the recognition of France National Council of Libyan opposition. The news agency "Jana" the Libyan official said today (yesterday) Thursday, "it was" aware that there is a secret grave will inevitably lead to the fall of Sarkozy or until his trial, relating to the financing of his campaign the previous year 2007. "And issued this statement after the recognition of France's National Assembly, the Transitional Libi as a "sole legitimate representative of the Libyan people" and declared that it would send an ambassador soon to Benghazi . But Jana did not reveal the nature of this "secret".
Kadhafi and Sarkozy: Anas session
Insistence Arab party, Sarkozy revealed the "truth" that the matter of millions of dollars (more than fifty million dollars) to pay the Libyan regime to finance the campaign of Sarkozy's presidential election during the first and second rounds in May of 2007, which won wrapped against the party's candidate Socialist Segolene Royal, where he received about 53 percent of the votes, while Royal won about 48 percent. The source revealed that the funds "have been delivered in liquid form (cash) in the bags and not in the form of money orders or checks, so as to prevent seizure in any future investigation of Mali." The source said the businessman of Lebanese origin Zeyad Taqi al-Din, and closely related to Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, and others from Italy and Libya itself, took delivery of these bags for close to Sarkozy, has played a family of his wife, Carla, Italian, play a pivotal role in the process as there was a relationship between and the "lobby" the Libyan regime in Italy. The source added that the Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi, "he was aware of the process, and perhaps provided logistic facilities in this area, particularly with respect to payments that have been delivered and received on the Italian territory." But the surprise in revealing the source is that the French journalist (called the "philosopher") Bernard-Henri Levy, known for its relations with the Mossad and the CIA and the Israeli Likud Party, is also playing a role in the process of transferring funds. It is known that Levy led covert operations in support of fundamentalist terrorist organizations in Afghanistan under the pretext of liberation from Soviet occupation. Where he oversaw the installation and management of radio stations and training Ialamiyeta in "the art of propaganda against communism." And today it became known widely in the West to Levy, and other French intellectuals, took to do this work under the supervision of the CIA funding and the participation of Saudi intelligence.
Arab source in Sarkozy's party told the "truth" that part of the "secret" to which I alluded Libyan News Agency, also relates to commissions Tkadaha Sarkozy and his team the summer of 2009 by Seif al-Islam Gaddafi, in the context of the sale of military aircraft of a French model, "Raval" of modern Libya, as well as the Mirage of the fourth generation.
In a related development, the source said that the way in which the funding process Libyan Sarkozy match exactly with the way it was carried out by Saddam Hussein and Rafik Hariri, along with Jacques Chirac (by any bags, and not by check).
In this connection, that the French intelligence had raided the house of journalist Syrian opposition Nayouf in the suburb of Malakoff, near Paris, in January 2004 in a manner Amoavlp, fraud and stolen three compact discs (CD-ROM) contains documents relating to the process of financing Saddam Hussein and Rafik al-Hariri to Jacques Chirac. According to the report of the newspaper "Le Parisien" French ( Click here to read) , the French intelligence called Nayyouf to its headquarters in the old area "Bear Wise" in Paris to discuss it in the newspaper report was written in "Corporation" Before, in which he disclosed that French intelligence was involved in the process of neighborhood "Uzbek" terrorist attacks in Damascus in 1981 through the recruitment of Muslim Brotherhood members who were engaged in an armed struggle against the Syrian regime under the auspices of the Iraqi and Jordanian intelligence. He went hundreds of dead and wounded in the terrorist operation. At the time of Nayyouf in the "hospitality" at the intelligence in the "Bear Wise", the elements of the device in question to enter his home by a copy of the matching key held by the Municipality of Malakoff, as the entity that rented the house. And later, revealed his lawyer William Bourdon that Nayyouf got the documents (Confessions of audio and documents written) of the diplomat of the former Iraqi Mahdi Habib, who was carrying money bags to Jacques Chirac, before the split on Saddam's regime at a later time. Because of the mentioned documents, and other similar things concerning the involvement of French intelligence in the bombing of a neighborhood Uzbek referred to, and in providing the Syrian regime to biological materials and chemicals have been tested secret to hundreds of political prisoners, the Syrians and Lebanese by the French Defense Ministry in Guantanamo, "Khan Abu Shami" secret in the Syrian desert , which was unveiled in 2002, the French authorities turned his life into hell, which forced him to leave France to the final European country to another.
It's just a fraction of the head of an iceberg of corruption in France's official support for terrorism in the Arab world. It will not be a surprise to us when it is said one day that French experts run the war of genocide managed by the Gaddafi regime against its own people, even if Sarkozy has withdrawn its recognition of the Libyan regime today. This is how acrobatic movements, often intended to make waves in a corner to hide the crimes being committed in another angle!?
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