11 personas buscadas por INTERPOL

lunes, 6 de febrero de 2012

Samples of Media Distortion of Facts about Syria : 1- Fake Pictures

Here is the Source of the original picture and the Source of the fake picture .

Picture 2:

Source of original picture

Picture 3:

The original picture is that of an event organized by Syrians to emphasize their love towards their country, “My Country, You’re Vested with Glory,” on Juin 22, 2011. The original picture features the Syrian National flag and tens of thousands of Syrian young people colouring the flag in front of the castle of Aleppo. The flag was 80/30 m long. However, the fake rebels took the picture and changed the flag, then pretended that the huge gathering was theirs. This is the link to a video that proves it as it shows Syrians colouring the flag as the original picture says it:

Picture 4:

Picture 5:

Picture 6:

Picture 7:

Picture 8:

source of original picture (PS: the Beach Hospital, Alexandria, Egypt)

Picture 9:

Picture 10:

Source of the original pictureLink to the fake one

to be continued


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